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  • Sibylle Hubert, our specialist in CSR recruitment, but not only…
  • Publié le 03 September 2024
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    Sibylle Hubert, our specialist in CSR recruitment, but not only…

    It’s time to get back to work! 🎒 🎉
    Let’s quickly get back into our good habits ! Today, we’re introducing you to Sibylle Hubert, recruitment consultant and expert in CSR. Careful … after 18 years in the UK, she joined the Paris office in 2022, and asking her about her passions is like starting a good series: you know when it starts …😉

    📖 Sibylle, which book would you choose to describe yourself?

    It’s hard to pick just one!
    At the moment, I’m digging into “Earthworms and Men” by Marcel Bouché. I know, the topic doesn’t sound thrilling 🙄… Yet, the paleontologist C. Darwin dedicated a treatise to earthworms in 1881, and the European Green Deal aims (among other things) to improve their habitat…

    Another book has recently moved me, as meditation is part of my balance: “I May Be Wrong and Other Wisdoms from Life as a Forest Monk” by B. N. Lindeblad. A very simple and touching autobiography!

    And to return to the corporate world, I highly recommend “The Culture Map” by Erin Meyer, an excellent guide to understanding intercultural management!

    What best represents you?

    Coffee ☕!
    With a solid addiction since adolescence, coffee has been a thread throughout my professional career.
    It’s also a good symbol of European society, with its contradictions, that I cannot escape! Incidentally, it’s one of the 7 raw materials included in the recent #EUDR

    🌦 ⛵ In terms of territory, which region is most like you ?

    I don’t like the heat, the rain doesn’t bother me and walking in “the countryside by the sea” is therapeutic for me. In short, after 18 years in London, I’d say the Côte d’Émeraude … possibly the most British region in France? 😉

    #recruitement #oneteam #CSR #topmanagement #executivesearch

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