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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) + Impact

    Our team of ESG and impact consultants are trusted recruitment professionals who share your ambitions to improve society, within the 9 planetary boundaries.  

    To drive the transition towards a more environmentally sustainable economy, organisations are increasingly seeking individuals with innovative skill sets.

    Based in Central London, our mission is to help companies achieve their sustainability targets by sourcing top-tier ESG professionals. With expertise spanning across all sectors and hierarchy levels, we are dedicated to facilitating impactful and lasting change.

    The specific requirements to conduct a talent search in the sector
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) + Impact

    When a company embarks on an environmental and social transition, every part of the organisation is impacted.  

    Whether our client is a financial institution or a manufacturing company, our ESG recruitment consultants possess a distinct advantage in pinpointing individuals with the ideal combination of personality, experience, and skills.

    Why trust Mind Partners?

    At Mind Partners, our consultants are trained and results-driven ESG recruiters, passionate about sustainability.

    We specialise in sourcing top talent for forward-thinking organisations, whether you require expertise in emissions and energy transition or an ESG Analyst.

    Our consultants work closely with you to help achieve your business and environmental goals, understanding how to effectively build a sustainable business model and incorporate it into your recruitment strategy.

    In a nutshell!

    CSR roles may be global or very specific. Our expertise spans a large array of roles.

    Some positions may be:

    Strategy & Consulting: Consultant, Chief impact officer, Finance director, CSR director, Chief sustainability officer

    Human Resources: Diversity and inclusion manager, Director of training

    Sustainable finance, responsible finance, impact finance or green finance: Impact investment manager, Climate risk specialist, Carbon market analyst

    Energy transition: Agroforestry manager, Renewable energy director

    Circular Economy: Eco-design engineer, R&D manager

    Responsible purchasing and value chain: Supply chain manager, Logistics and transport director

    Social and Solidarity Economy: CFO, HR Director, Marketing and communication director

    Contact us

    Our favourite readings on Sustainable Development
    CSR + Impact

    Utopia for Realists and Humankind: a hopeful history by Rutger Bregman

    • Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming by Paul Hawkens

    Doughnut Economic by Kate Raworth

    Cradle to Cradle by Michael Braungart and William McDonough

    Limits to Growth and Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows

    Reinventing organizations by Frédéric Laloux

    • www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org 

    Our specialist consultants are here for you

    Sibylle Hubert

    Consultant - B Leader
    Paris London

    Pierre-Yves Ratel

    Consultant - B Leader

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