“Bad pick” atmosphere.🧐
As well as leading to a huge waste of time, recruitment failures can cost much more than you might think. And we’re not just talking about money… Bad news.
On average, a recruitment mistake can cost a company up to twice the annual salary of the employee in replacement and reintegration expenses, varying by position and level of responsibility.
Yet, these figures only scratch the surface. The real cost lies in its effect on the organisation’s balance: a recruitment failure can destabilise team dynamics, disrupt corporate culture, and even harm employee mental health.
Nearly 60% of managers admit to a drop in productivity and commitment, coupled with an increase in stress and anxiety in their teams after a wrong casting.
As professionals, proud to accompany job seekers and talent scouts, we regularly witness these disappointing situations.
That’s why we want to :
– raise awareness of the consequences of a common ‘bad recruitment’,
– and emphasise the importance of ‘taking care’ of the issues as well as the people.
The correlation between a well-prepared working environment and good recruitment management is no longer in doubt. So GO!🍀
To avoid unsuitable recruitment, it is important for both companies and candidates to follow these successive steps.
Following this methodology won’t guarantee everything, but it will give you every chance of success!
Investing in a tailor-made recruitment process is a key lever for ensuring a serene, productive and ambitious future: it means betting on greater commitment from employees in general, and capitalising on the human and financial value of the organisation already in place; it means ensuring that the skills and values of the candidate and the company are respected and genuinely compatible.
Turn the tables: entrusting your recruitment to experts means putting all the chances on your side… and GOOD HANDS! ♦️ ♠️ ♥️ ♣️