Discretion, Quality, Performance
Top management recruitment is a service that impacts companies at the highest levels.
It is required on the departure of a leader or manager with significant responsibility and is often carried out very discreetly. Mind Partners is ready to bring its expertise in the field of Top management recruitment to bear when you need it.
‘Top management’ refers to the C-suite executives with the heaviest responsibilities in an organisation. They are usually members of the company’s highest decision-making bodies (the senior management team or the board of directors).
At Mind Partners, our teams are experienced in recruiting Top managers (executive) and senior managers: Chief Executive Officers (CEO), Chief Financial Officers (CFO), Chief Operating Officers (COO) and Chief Human Resources Officers (CHRO).
At this level, the recruitment method we recommend is the direct approach. It is also called “headhunting”.
It is a carefully tailored, proactive and structured approach. It is based on a sectoral and professional analysis of the market and direct, personal contact with the Top managers identified.
Mind Partners’ knowledge of the environment, our teams’ expertise and the network we maintain ensure we can discreetly and efficiently explore the range of talents corresponding to the post to be filled.
Depending on the complexity and rarity of the profile sought, the direct approach means better and faster identification of suitable candidates.
It grants access to talent not visible on the market, totally discreetly and within an optimal timeframe. Nevertheless, the investigation options remain open, and it is possible to work with what we call hybrid approach methods offered by our Executive Search service. In this case, identifying prospects and searching for Top management candidates will take place in full visibility and transparency, including advertisements, canvassing, and so on.
Mind Partners’ core business is based on discovering new talent: our ecosystem is enriched by each in-person encounter with a candidate, prospect or client. We update our network daily and make it transparently available to our clients.
The strategic dimension of Top manager recruitment requires us to tailor our service to your needs while maintaining the utmost confidentiality.
We work with you to tailor each recruitment assignment and customise the approach as you wish (social networks, forums, professional association directories, etc.).
As your organisation’s first point of contact with candidates, we take care to represent you accurately, taking pride in showcasing your company, your work and your goals.
Throughout our research, we scrupulously respect the ethical codes of the profession.
Mind Partners is recognised as a consulting partner for C-suite executives.
While our firm is founded upon our in-depth understanding of corporate modus operandi, it is also recognised as a partner of many private equity funds in France, the UK, Europe and North America.
Our teams maintain close relationships with investment funds on a daily basis, opening up our network to a significant number of business leaders.
We also assist our partners in recruiting manager-buyers (minority shareholders supported by one or more investment funds) and directors.